Weekend recap

And what a weekend it was!
I had to spend all of yesterday just catching up on what I didn't get done on the weekend.
It started Friday night with an auction and dinner out for me and G. A night out without the children! Even though our kids don't attend the school that is part of our church, we went to the auction anyway and had a terrific time! There was a silent auction before the dinner and an oral auction afterward. I must have my father's genes in this area. I see an empty auction bid sheet and I feel bad; it looked so forlorn and lonely that I just have to put my number on it. Okay, so I didn't put it on all the empty ones, just the ones I might even be remotely interested in. And that is how I ended up with a Marie Callendar's pie; and tickets for an aquatic center for $6. Our anniversary date night is already planned too. G scored tickets to the symphony for a great price!
On Saturday my baby girl got her first shoes. And she hates them. She has always been the sock-puller-off-er. So what do I do? Put shoes on her! Yeah, she cried. I took her outside on Friday and put her bare feet in the grass. Poor girl is now traumatized by grass. It was so cold on her feet that she cried. So when I put her shoes on and set her in the grass, she stood there and cried. Small steps = victory. I put her shoes back on her later in the weekend and stood a few feet away. She actually took some awkward steps toward me! We'll get there!

And the big event of the weekend. G's half marathon. All the weeks of training and preparation and new products to try out, and questions came down to this-

He had a great run. I am so very proud of him and how he did! No walking! No throwing up! No fainting! No heart attacks! He ran the 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 9 minutes. He and my niece went back and forth during the race. We found out later a number of people we know were also racing. With 1700+ people, we didn't see them.
And our boy was in heaven, being down on the OSU field! I asked him to lay down at the 40 yard line, but he was too embarrassed. He's at that age now; so I can embarrass him easily.


  1. Congrats to G!!! What a major accomplishment.

  2. Also would like to say, I don't know how I can love you and your family when I have never met you, but I do.

  3. next year it will be you we will cheer to the finish too.

  4. Thanks Patsy :)
    Linda - yes! I think so!


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