Easter weekend

We had a lovely weekend.
Well ... except for the rain that came on Sunday, my husband not feeling well, the child who came down with some sickness on Sunday afternoon and the post-holiday crankiness today, we had a good weekend.
Since the weather report was for sun and warm weather on Saturday (and rain-rain-rain on Sunday), we held our own family Easter egg hunt that afternoon. We considered taking the girls to one of the public egg hunts, but figured they would be overrun with people also enjoying the sunshine. Sun is a rare occurrence here in Oregon in the spring.
G and I hid the eggs for the girls in our backyard. Our son helped. He decided this year, since he is 12, that he is too old to hunt for Easter eggs. Too bad he didn't know I filled them with coins this time instead of candy (way too many cavities happening around here!) We went ahead and hid one special egg just for him to find anyway. Of course after that, the kids wanted to hide the eggs for us to find.  It's a good thing we do an egg-count before we hide them, otherwise there might be one plastic egg out in the rain now.
We had also hoped to grill burgers for the first time this year on Saturday - the weather was that nice! But when G got out our grill from the garage and began to clean it (it was so gross!) it basically fell apart under the brush. Yes, you get what you pay for. But that didn't dim our spirits. We had a lovely pizza instead! Nothing says Easter weekend like pizza, y'know?!

Sunday came way too early. We needed to make it to the 8:30 service at church. I had been recruited for the nursery duty at 10 am, so we wanted to go as a family to the early service. It was a little crazy getting all 7 of us up and moving and dressed 'prettily' by 8:15, but we made it! We did not get new Easter clothing this year. I can't figure out why but I never found - or made?- the time to get new dresses for the girls. I did snag a new orange polo shirt for our son, but that was it. And it wasn't really a big deal anyway.
The best part of the weekend, besides an awesome worship time, was when I came home to a clean house (done while I was in the nursery) and the smell of baking ham (started by my husband). Even the rolls were mixed and rising! Yes, my wonderful guy made the dinner rolls, and got the food ready for our family dinner - all while I was away and he had the 5 kids! That really made my day!
We enjoyed a nice time with my in-laws; the guys fell asleep on the couches at one point. And the kids made it through the day, even though one of them came down with a bad cold.
And that was our weekend.


  1. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend, sans the sickness and all. And I tell ya, I covet that sunshine! As I'm sure you've heard in the news, St. Louis got a nasty twister on Friday night and it's been nothing but rain and clouds since. Til tomorrow, I think. We could use some sunshine out here!

  2. Who needs new Easter dresses when you have Hollingsworth Vintage?!? It's all the rage, man... classic.


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