
It seems my life revolves around food. Feeding 5 little - well, some are not so little - mouths; And making sure the grown-ups around here are fed; and the two dogs need to be fed regularly also ... it all makes for a lot of food buying, prepping and consumption. So anytime I can find a quick, easy, and good recipe, I will try it out and probably make it way too many times!

A friend passed this one on to me last week - Peanut Butter Cookies, without flour!
The original recipe calls for 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup sugar and 1 egg. That's it!! Mix it up, pop some spoonfuls on a baking sheet, bake for 6-8 minutes at 350 and they are done! Cool and eat - yum!

But it you know me, I had to 'tweak' the recipe.
I cut the sugar in half - it was way too sweet and 'granulary'; And then I added a half a cup of oats instead
They still taste delicious - better I think! And the kids eat them up as quickly as I let them.
Quick, easy and yummy.
(it is also posted on my recipe page)


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