
How I spent my Saturday.
Sitting. Watching. Waiting.
I saw two of my girls off at 7:30 this morning, with G. They headed to a swim meet. I got the other girls ready, and we went to Miss M's last basketball game of the season. And she did SO amazingly well!
She had her eyes on the ball. She went after it like it was chocolate. She dribbled it down the court and scored a basket! I was so very proud of her and how far she has come since the first game back in January.
I sat and watched her game, while hanging out with this sweet face:

After a quick lunch, I headed back out to town. This time to sit with my oldest girl in the state playoffs of Awana Bible quizzing.
They had 20 multiple choice questions, of which she only missed one:
And then on the speed drills she wasn't able to answer in time. There were others there who hit their buzzer much more quickly. Sometimes (often) before the question was even finished being asked., someone would buzz in and answer it! And they often got it correct!
Almost 4 hours later we got to the end, and the medals that were given out. My girl, in the middle, made it to silver!
I was so glad to be home, and so glad my husband made the executive decision to have pizza and not have me make supper.
I'll definitely be running long miles tomorrow, so I guess it was good that today I sat and conserved energy all day.

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  1. congratulations to both girls. Fantastic achievements to both.


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