I haven't talked much about my faith on this blog. Maybe I figure those who know me, know what we stand for. But I suppose there are those out there who don't know or don't care. But here's a little glimpse.

My Facebook entry yesterday evening said, "I don't believe in coincidence. I do believe God answers prayer." So totally believe it!

Earlier in the week I alluded to some challenges we are having with our Boy. He's the oldest of the kids, the first, the guinea pig. So we are finding our way along with him as we navigate the growing up years.
Tuesday night he and I had a very emotional, but very good, talk We knocked out all expectations and told him to just relax and have fun. He puts so much pressure on himself to be perfect. (Is this a firstborn trait?!?!)

Well, yesterday (Wed) he had another basketball game. This is one area which has been most difficult. He is in a new league with boys who are really good players. He's good, but just not at their experience level.
So after our talk, and sending him out the door, I spent most of the day praying for him as I went about my day.
My husband was able to make it to his game and called me at halftime.

My son got put in to play. He looked good! He stole the ball from the opposing team, ran it down the court and scored! This is the first time for the season. Previous to this his confidence had been shot. He was at the point of hating to play basketball. And then our prayers were answered. Our pleas for just one little boost of encouragement, one success, were answered. He came home with a grin, and ready to keep at it for the rest of the season.
Prayer IS a powerful thing!


  1. the Lord knows just what we need when we need it and He will provide.

  2. God is faithful.

    The boy got in the first half with 56 seconds left and I prayed "just help his confidence Lord...don't let him make another mistake that would shatter his confidence further...we don't care about statistics or points". First thing he did was to poke that ball loose. I could see his eyes light up when he realized "that's mine", then he took it too the rack with a big smile on his face. I think God delighted in answering that way, and building my faith too! Sometimes, we have not because we ask not.


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