
A glimpse into the life of our family this past week:
Little K. likes to play 'sleep' on the couch. Her latest words in her ever-growing vocabulary: cloth-wash (for washcloth); tootbrush;

The girls got some special towel wraps for shower-head, which they like to wear a lot.

Miss M is playing basketball and getting better every week. She actually dribbled the ball up the court this weekend.

Little K loves her siblings. So much that she takes any opportunity to lounge on them

We've finally hit the back of the woodshed and had to go get some more wood. Our furnace is still our of commission, so wood is our heat source.

Puppies are hilarious. Especially when they sleep. Any position seems comfortable for this one. Sometimes we catch her with her head hanging off the step.
And I got the box tops ready for the Boy's school contest. I wonder if his class will win. Either way, I'm glad they are all out of the drawer and going to help the school he attends.

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