The Birthday Present

My girl turned 2 last month. And I looked high and low for just the right gift for her,.
There are plenty of toys in our house, and books, and dolls, and other stuff. With 4 older siblings, this girl has plenty to choose from each day. So I wanted to get something just for her.
I tried various venues and considered a few I found in the store. But I just wasn't about to pay $$ for the trike they were selling, and it wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
When I was a little girl I had a push trike in the shape of a ladybug. 4 wheels, and large seat, 2 handles, no pedals - it was very basic, but perfect.
So last Friday the girls and I were out looking at garage sales.
Some friends are heading to Uganda to pick up their adoptive child, and we were searching for clothes to send with them, to give to the orphanage.
 And we stumbled upon The Perfect Gift.
I could almost hear the angels singing.
Little K. saw it before I could get to it. She sat on it and smiled.
And so I said, Happy birthday K. Here's your own bicycle!
She loves this toy.
On that day we brought it home, she didn't want it even put in the back of the pickup!
And I had to literally pry her off it for lunchtime and nap-time.
She brought it inside the house with her and rode around after nap-time.
Such a happy girl!
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