A Sunny-day

The sun comes out in Oregon occasionally. And we all drink it with relish. Until it beats down upon us and we natives begin to complain about the heat.
But today was beautiful and I was able to convince my husband to take a walk as a family.
We headed to a park and loaded up the little one. She loves the pack - and it's a great workout for me!

The kids enjoyed it too. I am so thankful my kids like to be outside with us and do things together as a family; throw a few rocks, gather a few sticks, look around at the gorgeous world God made ....
What I love about this picture - they are enjoying each other! I watched as they walked and talked, actually getting along nicely :

And this ... this is what you get when you give a girl a camera. She takes silly pictures of her sister.

Yeah I'd be looking at her strangely too. Actually this statues' eyes looked a little creepy to me.
Most statues don't have much 'life' in their face. But looking at this one in the park, it really looked like he was seeing us. Creepy.
Then we traded off on the carrying. The Boy took over for a little ways

And we surprised Little K with one of her favorite things! "I ride the horse!" is what she kept saying as we entered the place.
And she did! We had a nice long ride, with the older 3 kids reaching out to grab the special ring. If you grab a certain color ring you earn a free ride. Unfortunately none of us got that color.

Then it was a walk back to the parking lot.
I love this photo - my man holding his girl's hand. Even as she is getting golder, she is still quite a daddy's girl, and has no qualms about letting him know it.
Then it was off to swim for the 5 of them while Little K and I got pizza cooked up and ready.
We'll kick back and watch the ending of the Amazing Race (sad sigh) and probably eat some ice cream...
A great way to start another week!
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