Some thoughts

It's been quiet here this week. Not too much out of the ordinary happening. Here are some seriously random ramblings spewing from my brain:

Today is my son's last track meet. And I can't make it to see him run. It was hard to accept that, but I've moved on. I'm looking forward to hearing how he did. And kind of hoping he'll call in between time to tell me.

I've got a lot of thoughts running through my head concerning money. Specifically lack of it, or how to stretch it. How do we raise our 5 children on the single income we have? How do we get out of debt? I'm thinking Thoughts (with a capital T). I might even unscramble them enough to write about it. Feel free to offer suggestions.

I made some awesome zucchini bread the other day.  I bought 25 pounds of oats awhile back because we were using them so fast. So I am looking at everything I bake with the idea of adding oats to it. And Zucchini-Oat bread is delicious! I'll have to rummage that 2-recipes into 1-recipe that I used and see if I can share it with you.

This week was Teacher Appreciation Week at my son's school. I was on the list for treats today (yes, I volunteered!) So I made peanut butter fingers, and chocolate chip carrot bread. It was difficult to actually give those yummy goodies away. But I managed, with the help of my minions, to leave them on the teacher's table and walk away. (I did sample when I baked them. Just to make sure they were edible, you know.)
I wonder when Teacher Appreciation Week is for home school teachers. I wonder if I could stretch that out to a month ...

I can't get my photos to upload to Facebook. It is a little frustrating not to be able to share pictures of the Most Beautiful Kids in the World with all those friends.

Last night was Awards night for Awanas. The girls all finished their books for the year. I was very impressed. I didn't have scripture memorization like that as a child, so i am learning some of it along with them. My Little K. however was only interested in rolling around on the church floor, not watching to see when her sisters names were called. The thought crossed my mind that if it had been my firstborn at that age, I would have had a cow. Do you know how many germs are on that floor?! But I looked at her and realized it would be a whole lot easier to wash her hands and body than to corral her on the pew for more than an hour. She was bothering anyone, and was being relatively quiet. Oh the difference between a firstborn and last born. Hmm .... I was 10th in line of 10. I wonder if that's why I got to play in the dirt so much.


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