Saturday's Dump

It was time to unload all the photos from my cameras today. And I even found time to do a little blogging. What a week! My husband was able to work from home part of the week, so the computer was not readily accessible to me. It was sure nice to have him around though!
I made these cream puffs and they did not last long at all. We devoured them!
I went through the boxes and boxes of baby clothes that I have had stored in our 'playroom'.
It's all part of my de-clutter and minimalism effort. Plus, I'm pretty dang sure we don't need the baby clothes anymore!

The girls' book reports this past week were 'dioramas' that portrayed a scene in the book or an important idea from it. All three wanted to make one - so we've got the kindergartner's book, Bailey goes Camping

The 3rd grader did "Princess Alice and the Glass Slipper":

And the 5th grader did a Boxcar Children book:

In the middle of the week we took part of the day off and went out to see a local abbey. My sister had the week off and so she came along. Good thing too! Because a 2year old isn't quite ready for a "be quiet!" abbey. We got to listen to the noontime chants of the monks. We saw a very interesting museum that housed an 8-legged calf. Thankfully I saw that before lunch and not after. And we visited a library that had books in it from the 1500s!! Fascinating!

And since it was our anniversary this week, G and I made time to go out to eat.
Without children. And not to Burger King or pizza.
We had German food -and it was so so good!
Both of us were thinking, separately, that we wanted to go back again tonight!
The kids had a sleepover at their aunts and uncle's house. Two of the kids at one place, the other three at another. It was Little K's first time of ever being away from mom and dad all night, away from home. And I don't think it went so well at night. I owe my sister a good dinner - ooh, at this restaurant ! That might be a good 'payment' for her lack of sleep.

On the way home we got to see an amazing lightning show, and thunder booming all around us. The sky was gorgeous, although my picture doesn't do it justice.

A full week, a busy Saturday cleaning up, and looking forward to resting and eating some home barbecue tomorrow.
(Oh, and I updated my previous post. The link should work now)
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