Friday Dump

It's time again to upload the pictures from my camera this week.
The following are from a typical evening supper at our house.
Around the table we have the cheesy faces,
the ones thinking deeply,
and those who don't want their pictures taken.
Of course, the littlest does whatever the older ones do...
 We had our 2nd swim meet this week. Thankfully the weather was much better than the last one. We had a great day of sun, and fast swimming. Although the meet went on hours longer than expected, it was still a good time.

The non-swimmers even had fun, eating and coloring.

 My extended family has the tradition of going camping together around the 4th. Unfortunately, due to circumstances of our own household, we were not able to join my siblings and their families, and my parents, on the annual campout.
So we set one up at home instead!
I don't know how long we'll keep it up, better for now it's fun.
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