So cool

 We've been busy around here.
Trying to be cool, by trying on Dad's aviator sunglasses.
Oh we all had to get in on it.
I mean who else is going to set the styles for the next generation?
But of course, Dad pulls it off the best.
Very cool ...
 and then they flipped the lenses - and we all laughed!
I however, have been on a different quest - trying to get the bicycle seat onto the right bicycle.
Today we finally got in our first "double rider" bicycle ride!
K. was so excited to be back out there - she chattered the entire time I was getting ready.
We took a spin around the neighborhood until the chain fell off! And we walked home; but it was a nice taste of what's to come for us this summer. And oh, man, do my legs hurt!
(and yes, someone was holding her while I snapped the photos)
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