
The younger girls were playing in the front room this morning. (The older 3 kids were out of the house.) A helicopter and some little people were involved in the playtime.
The 'monologue' I heard went something like this (from my 6 year old):
"Passengers? Passengers! Please make sure you don't have any bombs. We will be leaving soon. Passengers, make sure there are no bombs."
After a few seconds the girl continued on in her announcer voice, "Passengers. Please throw your bombs out before we leave. Thank you."
((If only it was so easy!))
By this time I am laughing in the front room, but quietly, so she doesn't stop.
And then I hear, "Passengers. We are going to take off. Please stop smoking and drinking and buckle your seat belts."
By then I was doubled over, trying to laugh silently. Because, you know, I always tell my kids to stop smoking and drinking and buckle their seatbelts, don't you?
Where do they get these thoughts??


  1. that is too funny. where does she get her ideas? Has she ever been on a plane to hear the safety instructions? Kids say the funniest things. Love it.

    1. She went on one back at 1.5 yrs old ... so i have no idea where she got this! Which just makes it even funnier

  2. I loved this. Really made me laugh. I'll make sure to not take bombs with me when I'm going to fly.


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