Death of a dishwasher

We're watching the Olympics! Oh did I tell you we joined the 21st century, and now have cable TV? For the first time in our married life, we have cable. It has been .. interesting. I wasn't thrilled with the idea initially. After all, we are trying to get away from electronics consuming all our time. But the Olympics! We can't miss those! But, no that is not the why of why we got cable. That has more to do with lowering our phone and Internet bill. We 'cut a deal' with the provider, and it included cable TV. So anyway, seeing the sites of London on TV has been fun. My dear husband likes to say, "See that bridge? I've been there" or "I was on that bridge." Now it was fun to hear and think of the first time he pointed it out. But now that it has been about 500 times .. the kids groan when pictures of the famous bridges appear. I just laugh. And dream of the day he might take me there ;) This girl. She's my first girl. She ...