A week has passed

That husband of mine ... pretty funny. 
So yeah, this week has been hectic, and today I finally have taken a minute to sit in front of the computer and write something instead of sitting and reading or pinning. 
Last week, also, lots of fun. We had cousins over, and swim lessons galore.
My little Princess M is in morning swim lessons, for the past 2 weeks. It's amazing how just one hour of swimming-watching every morning, can mess up the rest of my day/ week.
(We get a break next week. phew!)
So our family had their big reunion-shindig last Saturday.
This is the cake we entered into the dessert contest - I thought it was a pretty hat.
The little girls had too much run playing in the water of my aunt and uncle's backyard. Thankfully the sun was out and my youngest could go around in a diaper until her clothes dried out.
She did fairly well without a nap all day too!

We had plenty of good food and visitin' 
Earlier in the morning my sister in-law and I met up with my brother and his family to run/walk the local 5k for the town's festival. My older brother is in pretty good shape too, for being an older brother. I was able to keep up with him for most of the race, but the final mile, I didn't push myself and he took off. I was pleased to be the first in my age-category though, and to get my best time ever for that distance.

The girls had their faces painted this year. My cousin brought some supplies and volunteered to paint. What a great idea! It kept the kids' attention most of the afternoon, and it easily washed off in the shower before church on Sunday!

Sunday was another busy day. It is my month to teach Sunday school to the 2nd graders, so after service, my sweet husband went home with the girls and cleaned the house. And I mean, cleaned!
He is so much more thorough in cleaning than I am. Maybe because he doesn't have to do it daily.
We had my parents and siblings and their families come for the afternoon. What a great time! We were able to visit a little more before everyone scattered once again to their daily lives.
Here is my dad, my in-shape older brother and me:

And my nephew here, with one of the sweetest girls I have ever met. I hope she is a keeper ;) She is one of the few people who got up from the grown-up 'circle' and went to find my kids to play with them!

What else have we done this week? 
Well, besides swimming? 
The upstairs bedroom and playroom are finally painted! Wahoo! We hope to get the ceiling painted and the flooring installed in the Boy's room sometime in the next couple of weeks. And then he can move in!
The girls have found a book in our boxes about stopwatch races. It's a Klutz book where the reader has different tasks to do while timing themselves (or a friend). I can remember my nephews doing the same things.
My daughter had a wart. It grew to immense proportions. 
I finally took her into the doctor, who tried to freeze it off, but because of the strangeness of it, was unable to. A few drops of medicine on it, and away we went. It is finally starting to fall off now, a week later. Due to the ick-factor of it, I won't be posting a photo. (you're welcome.)
The swimming league Finals are this weekend, and another wedding to go to. I hope I can keep up.
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