Books for Sale

Cleaning up the 'spare' room and I have some school books to sell.
Many of them are A Beka, and some of those are brand new. Mostly 5th grade items, but there are a few 6th grade, or 3rd grade, or other things in there.
If you are interested leave a comment and I will find a way to get these to you.

Abeka Arithmetic 5 Curriculum/lesson plans, grade 5, $5.00
Abeka Enjoying good health answer key to text questions, grade 5, $1.00
Abeka Enjoying good health test, quiz, worksheet key, grade 5, $2.00
Abeka God’s gift of language B quiz, test key, grade 5, $2.00
Abeka God’s Gift of Language B, Writing and Grammar Work Text, Grade 5 $5.00
Abeka Health, safety, and manners 2nd edition, grade 3, $ 5.00
Abeka Investigating God’s World answer key to text questions, grade 5, $1.00
Abeka Investigating God’s world quiz key, grade 5, $2.00
Abeka Investigating God’s World test key, grade 5, $3.00
Abeka Investigating God’s World Textbook, grade 5, $5.00
Abeka Math 5 work-text Answer Key, Grade 5, $5.00
Abeka Math quiz, test, drill teacher key, grade 5, $5.00
Abeka New World History and Geography 3rd edition, grade 6, $ 5.00
Abeka Old World history and geography answer key to text questions, grade 5, $ 1.00
Abeka Old world history and geography maps and activities key, grade 5, $1.00
Abeka Old World history and geography quiz key, grade 5, $1.00
Abeka Old World history and geography test key, grade 5, $1.00
Abeka Spelling and poetry teacher edition, grade 2, $ 3.00
Abeka Spelling, vocabulary and poetry with cd teacher edition, grade 5, $5.00
Abeka Spelling, vocabulary, poetry test key, grade 5, $1.00
AVKO Sequential Spelling Student Book, English Resources, $ 1.00
Bible Resources, Great Bible Puzzles Crosswords, $ 1.00
BJU Writing and Grammar, grade 5, $ 5.00
English Resources, Poetry Place Anthology by Instructor Books, $2.00
Flash cards Colors shapes and numbers, Age 3+ $2.00
Foreign Languages, Spanish in 10 minutes a day, $ 3.00
Incentive Publications Complete Writing Lessons for the Primary Grades by Majorie Franks, $2.00
Singapore Math 6A Teacher’s Guide, grade 6, $ 5.00
Singapore Math Intensive Practice Primary Mathematics, grade 5, $ 1.00
Singapore Math practice, grade 5/6, $1.00
Singapore Math Word Problems, grade 6, $ 1.00
Skill Builders Spanish by Ellen Parrish, Level One, $ 2.00
Twin Sisters Productions Spanish Activity Book, Ages 5-12, $ 1.00


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