Survey says ... hives

Back in June of 2007 I broke out in hives for the first time; it was the beginning of my hive saga. I'm thankful that today, 6 years later, the hives are not much of a daily issue for me. I take an antihistamine each day and usually have no problem. That is until I eat something I shouldn't. Although, for me, I don't usually know I shouldn't until after the fact.
I am slowly accruing a list of foods my 40 year old body doesn't like.
I found out Monday night that cherries are now on the list. And what a bummer! I sure like fresh cherries straight from the farm. Or I did, until I woke up Monday night with a swollen face and mouth and hives all over. I had the same reaction to plums earlier in the year. Which was another bummer, because I sure liked plums too! Teriyaki is another no-no for some reason.
Back in the beginning of this saga I went to an allergist, among many other specialists, trying to figure out why I have chronic hives. He was highly recommended and he came up with was a slight allergy to dust bunnies, which I kinda already knew; I never liked dusting in the first place.
So maybe it's time to go back to the doc and see what he says.

In better news. I got some free money in the mail this week! A gift card for $15 from the survey company I am signed up with. Yep, just for taking surveys they sent me money. Wahoo! I've also gotten to try shampoos from them, diapers, TP, and some garlic salt. And as I earn points I have used them for Christmas presents and other things, like Amazon orders. And another fun thing, at the end of each survey you get a chance to play a game for weekly drawings. No, I have never won - yet. But it's fun anyway! If you are curious and want to know more about ipsos-i.say surveys, let me know. I would love to refer you of course :) because I would get more points in my pocket! But it's also a fun way to save $$.


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