August Adventures

I finally found a moment to sit down and write.
Since June and July were busy with basketball and swimming, August has been our vacation month.
It all started with family coming to visit at the end of July. Cousin time was so precious. The youngest two had a blast together, and Little K was quite sad when the time came to say goodbye.
 The older kids had a fun time with the older cousin, incorporating a wild made-up game that included Risk, Poker, Battleship, playing cards, dice, and more.
Movies, jokes, ice cream, and a long walk at the park rounded out the days.

We finished up swimming with the finals on Aug 1 - the girls brought home a boatload of various colored ribbons.

We then headed over to my brother's house to hang out with family. And play an impromptu game of charades. The fun of that weekend didn't stop there. The next day more family came to our house to visit with my niece who hadn't been 'home' in a long time. Sadly, no charade games that day. But some good political conversation to liven up the talk.

Just two days later we gathered with our neighbors for National Night Out. We had an ice cream party at the end of our block. The kids played games and drew on the street with chalk. The grown-ups sat and visited for hours. We have such a great neighborhood! I love knowing my neighbors and visiting with them.

The very next night was my first ever Tupperware party. I signed up to sell Tupperware back in June and I finally had a friend host a party. I was a little nervous - talking in front of people is a bit nerve-wracking. But they seemed to like the products (really, who doesn't like Tupperware?!) and I survived the night.

The next day the Mr and the two older kids left for a mountain climb. They went up one of the first mountains the Mr took me on back in the very beginning - Mt Thielsen in southern Oregon. And they made it to the top! It was fun to see the pictures taken in the same places as we went more than 20 years ago.

 On the summit:

So with them out on the mountain I took the other three to the beach. It was sunny and windy (when is it not windy on the Oregon coast?!) and we had a great time playing in the sand.

Two days later was the church picnic. We gather at a park for church - which is glorious, seeing God's creation while we worship - and then we have a huge potluck style picnic. Once again, we visited with friends on a relaxing afternoon while the kids played games and hung out with their buddies.

Meanwhile during all of this, our corn has been ripening. This year for the kids' earning money we raised corn and watermelons. In the past they have done garbanzo beans, but we decided to try something new this year. They have been in charge of weeding and harvesting, and now selling the produce. They money they earn goes towards school clothes, and fees, and supplies. So far it has been a pretty good harvest. But that means time out at the farm, and on the road for me. I have managed to can some beans and freeze a little bit of the corn, but I have a bunch more to do before the season is over.


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