State fair

We made it to the fair this year.
Not just once, but twice!!
Because of whatever reason, the powers that be offered admission for .25 on Thursday. How could be say no to that price? My sister and I loaded the kids and drove on over. (Cue Beverly Hillbillies music in my mind)
We got there soon after it opened, which was nice since there were less people to walk through. We enjoyed some shows, some animals, some exhibits. We were able to check on The Girl who Bakes' 4-H exhibit. As we wandered through the baked goods, we found her plate with the beautiful words "Reserve Champion" on the tag. Woohoo! My girl can cook!
We took in the dog show - a favorite every year. And we had to partake of the ice cream offered by the Dairy Women of Oregon.
It was enough for 25 cents.
But we had to go again. We had free tickets from the kids' library reading program, and two of the family members didn't get to go with us on Thursday. So we picked Monday as the day. Once again, we loaded up the pickups and found some free parking (wow!) We spent the afternoon walking through ALL the exhibits. The girls spent their money on the Ferris Wheel. We spent ours on ice cream.
We enjoyed the clown show.
The younger two wanted to stay at the Ag area for along time, "milking" cows, saddling the horse, cleaning the stalls,
There's hope for the future ...

We decided to ride the Fair Lift on Thursday - 3 of them enjoyed it so much, they took it back across the Fair again. The other 3 decided to stay on the ground.
 The petting zoo was a hit. The baby wallaby - you can't see it here, but it was poking its head out of momma's tummy - was extremely cute.
A lovely way to end summer vacation.


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