
26years ago I was just about to start my senior year of high school. I was the last one at home, the last one to get a driver's license.  I went in a day or two before school started, and took the test. I don't remember much about that day except my utter relief that I didn't have to parallel park. To this day I still can't (and won't) parallel park.
Yesterday our son, our firstborn, took his driver' test. He has practiced for over a year to get here, mostly under my watch and adding a few white hairs to my head.
Sitting in the DMV, I watched him drive out of the parking lot, and I prayed for peace (for myself0 and for his safety. I needed something to distract me, so I pulled out my checkbook. Yes, that took my mind to another place!
The time went by quickly and soon I was looking up as the Boy walked in the door with a smile on his face. I guessed then that it was good news. Yep, he handed me the paper that had "Pass" written on it.
After paperwork, payment and paparazzi, we headed home. The funny thing was, he wanted me to drive!


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