A Birthday review

Today my son turns 11.
He started the countdown yesterday morning. "14 hours," he announced to us at 10:45 am. He asked throughout the day - "Where were you at this time?"
It was the Monday after Thanksgiving, 1998. I had gone back to work after the holiday at my in-laws.
Throughout the day I was having terrible back pain. The baby wasn't due until the 21st, so the idea of contractions did not cross my mind!
Then the pain spread to the front, and I decided to drive home instead of sit in my cubicle. I made the half hour drive home, somehow, that afternoon, and called my husband. He was also about half hour drive away.
It wasn't until after 5 pm that he could get away - his boss wasn't convinced I was in labor. By this time I was pretty sure I was. As soon as G walked in the door, my water broke. He called the hospital, and we drove, rather fast, up the freeway. 5 hours later we had our little boy in our arms!


Today my son turns 11.
He started the countdown yesterday morning. "14 hours," he announced to us at 10:45 am. He asked throughout the day - "Where were you at this time?"
It was the Monday after Thanksgiving, 1998. I had gone back to work after the holiday at my in-laws.



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