House Repairs

My husband is an amazing guy ... in my humble opinion. The past few weeks/months/years he has spent many hours fixing our home. The previous owners seem to not have had a clue on house maintenance.
This month he has nearly finished the back deck that was rotting. We decided to stay with the same footprint that was there, instead of expanding and making it 'real nice'. We figure that since we plan to sell it anyway, we just need to get it done (but done right). This past week he has tackled the main bathroom ... one that was black for the past 10 years and is now turning into a lovely neutral color. I think 2 owners ago, at least, had it in a blue seashell pattern. We are finding multiple layers of wall paper that is hard to remove.
Sharing a bathroom among the 6 of us has been a challenge, (showers on Sunday morning to say the least) but I know G is working hard to get done what he can as he can. I just wish I was able to do more than send the kids in there to act as 'gofers'. But on the other hand, it makes my heart sing when our little helpers are excited to be in there helping out!


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