I'm back to running again. Although when it is 30 degrees out, it isn't so easy to get motivated to step outside for anything! I started just running 1 mile a day for the first week, and I have finally made it up to 2 miles, without feeling terrible. After the first couple of runs, my arms were so sore .. and it took me awhile to figure out why (along with my sweet husband's suggestion that it came from running/using my arms). But they are back to 'normal' now, thankfully. I have 12 weeks to get in shape for that half-marathon. So I looked at my training for last year, and by this time in January of 2012, I was already up to 4 milers. So it looks like I have some ground to cover quickly. But I am confident that I can do, if I can make sure to stick to a schedule. Even in the ice-cold winter weather. In other exciting news, we bought paint today! Not just any old paint, but lavender and mint green paint for the girl's room upstairs! I have some excited kids t...
How funny.