
G is traveling this week. Which means I get to watch my choice of netflix. So I chose This American Life; it is an series of snippets on American people and their lives, their peculiarities, their unique paths. Ira Glass from Chicago Public Radio hosts it. Have you ever read one of those Life books that have photos of people across the country? It is sort of like that too, only more ... animated.

I am on season 2 now. The first season was so interesting I decided to delve further into it. Someone on a blog - I can't recall just which one - (? perhaps My Sisters Farmhouse ?) was the first to mention this series and tweak my curiosity. And I am fascinated by it. There was a guy in Salt Lake City who paints portraits of moments in Christ's life, using real people as models. There are the 2 prison inmates who tried to escape using a huge long rope made of dental floss. I even found myself praying for this one man who had his live changed ... destroyed... by a mugging/beating. In my insulated little world, I guess I find it interesting to see how others live. Real people, real lives (and warning, there is no censor on their language.)
I'll have to go check and see what they have for me to watch in January.


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