time goes on

I had another doctor's appointment today.
We are at 36 weeks, 4 more to go. Yay!
The doctor says, basically, nothing's happening. All those dreams I've been having of going into labor, are just that, dreams. Which is good. This baby needs to 'cook' until she's ready.
And I suppose it will be better to be tired and pregnant for a few more weeks instead of tired with a newborn!
Here's the line-up for the past few months:
6 months

7 months

8 months
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  1. Its been a while since I've been over, but I'm assuming the room behind you in your 8 month picture is Sam's room..? :)

    On the note of the baby: exciting that the time is so near! I can't wait to meet her!

    ~Mary Giles

  2. Oh, I just love love love pregnant mommy bellies! You're beautiful!

  3. Julie - you look terrific! Pregnancy definitely looks good on you. =)


  4. AW.. thanks.. not always feeling it, but thanks.


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