Another birthday

April is THE month of birthdays in our family. I can count 8 family members born in April, and about a dozen friends born in April. And then there are all these babies being born this month, ours being one of the expected ones this month.
But today belongs to our Little Chef, Miss M. She turns 7 today. Wow! How is it possible?! We just brought the little-tongue-sticking out stinker home from the hospital didn't we? How did we get from this : -- to this:
This girl was actually the largest of our babies, a 9 pounder, born a week later than expected. She came into the world like a wise little woman. She has always seemed older than her age, I can't quite put my finger on why, but she does. Of course, she acts her age quite often too!
Happy Birthday little Chef!
(I'm just hoping her dreams of a restaurant come true one day, and her promise to feed us for free actually happens.)


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