Book review

This week's reading selection, well one of them, was by a new-to-me author, Lynette Eason. She writes mystery/thrillers with a hint of faith in them, not serious preaching though.
I just read "Too Close to Home" and it was a good thing my husband was home! (Or maybe I should just learn to not read those at night.) This book was set in present day, about young girls going missing. After reading it I had to peek in at our sleeping kids and then I have determined my kids won't be having text messaging available if they ever get a cell phone!! If you read the book you might understand that a bit more.
I think I have stumbled upon a new author to check out some more, besides my other favorite, Dee Henderson!


  1. I better not read it then - I parent by text! (But we do have parental controls set up on the kids' phones.)

    And I *adore* Dee Henderson - isn't she great? I wish she'd write more, tho!

  2. I like Dee Henderson! Always looking for new authors to look into, so I will have to check out this other author you've mentioned. =)


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