Book review

So I just finished up a third book by author Nancy Moser. I am waiting for the library to get in the 4th one, and then once that is done, augh where will I be?! The one I am waiting for, about Elizabeth Barrett Browning (How Do I Love Thee) promises to be just as interesting as the others. I have enjoyed biographies in the past, and these books wonderfully blend my love of fiction and biography.

The books are historical fiction about these ladies: Jane Austen (Just Jane), Nannerl Mozart (Mozart's Sister) and Martha Washington (Washington's Lady). Of course, they are fiction, but Moser has done plenty of research and puts the story together so well that I think it is all real!
Plus they made me think about how good I have it today as a woman in this culture - a lot more freedom, and probably, a lot less responsibility!


  1. those sound interesting! did you get them at the public library? i am always searching for new authors to read!


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