The weekend has passed
This past weekend was so busy I tired myself out so much, I didn't even want to write about it. But I have mustered my strength and have pictures to show - especially since I cannot get these photos to upload on my Facebook page, and my frustration with it is ... too much.
The older kids had their homeschool testing on Saturday, which meant driving back and forth and back and forth for them. Immediately afterward there was their choir practice, and a baby shower; thankfully held at the same location at the same time. I guess our being home most of the week makes up for being gone most of the weekend.
Some very sweet friends of ours gave a shower for our baby 5 and for our friend and her baby 5. Here are those stinkin' non-uploading photos (these are for you C.H.):
Look - a Peeps cake! It was delicious, since I didn't eat those sticky little birds. I am not a fan of them.
One of the many cute, cute clothing items I received:
And no, this little guy isn't mine; he's the other baby 5 I mentioned, who belongs to my friend. We had a to get a shot of him on his new quilt.
Sunday was church day, and nap day, but also Miss M's birthday. So celebration's all day long. In the evening, the 3 older kids had their choir performance, and totally astounded G and me with their lines and parts they had. My daughter started speaking and I had to look twice to make sure she was really ours. It didn't sound like her at all! And our son had a great part, as a rock!, with many puns to crack the audience up. He loved it too! I was able to get one picture of all three of them standing together (without the rock costume on).
And then it was time to head home and party with the extended family for Miss M's birthday. We had an ice cream cake this year - thanks to those wonderful coupons I had! I love it that I paid only $7.50 for a $30 cake! (and a BIG thank you to my aunt Mary who gave me one of the gift certificates to make this possible!!)
So writing it all out doesn't make it seem like much, but I was gone more than I was at home. and that is always exhausting by the end. I slept well that night!
The older kids had their homeschool testing on Saturday, which meant driving back and forth and back and forth for them. Immediately afterward there was their choir practice, and a baby shower; thankfully held at the same location at the same time. I guess our being home most of the week makes up for being gone most of the weekend.
Some very sweet friends of ours gave a shower for our baby 5 and for our friend and her baby 5. Here are those stinkin' non-uploading photos (these are for you C.H.):
Look - a Peeps cake! It was delicious, since I didn't eat those sticky little birds. I am not a fan of them.
And no, this little guy isn't mine; he's the other baby 5 I mentioned, who belongs to my friend. We had a to get a shot of him on his new quilt.
Sunday was church day, and nap day, but also Miss M's birthday. So celebration's all day long. In the evening, the 3 older kids had their choir performance, and totally astounded G and me with their lines and parts they had. My daughter started speaking and I had to look twice to make sure she was really ours. It didn't sound like her at all! And our son had a great part, as a rock!, with many puns to crack the audience up. He loved it too! I was able to get one picture of all three of them standing together (without the rock costume on).
And then it was time to head home and party with the extended family for Miss M's birthday. We had an ice cream cake this year - thanks to those wonderful coupons I had! I love it that I paid only $7.50 for a $30 cake! (and a BIG thank you to my aunt Mary who gave me one of the gift certificates to make this possible!!)
So writing it all out doesn't make it seem like much, but I was gone more than I was at home. and that is always exhausting by the end. I slept well that night!
I hear you on the peeps... ick. But I think I would lick the chocolate frosting off of them, at least. ;)