
What motivates you? Food is a biggie in my life. Since I spend everyday trying to keep 5 kids fed, and face a hungry husband at day's end, my life often seems to revolve around feeding times. I can't imagine the life pioneer women lived, making breakfast, cleaning up and turning around and making lunch and then cleaning up and making supper right after that. Well, I can kind of imagine that when I go camping, b/c it seems that way.
But this is about motivation not food.
Other motivators: cleanliness -- the house internally bursts every day when the children are around. Much of my time is spent combating that.
-- there's this small problem with hives, and then the effort to keep the rest of the family fairly healthy too;
Eternal impact -- ah, this one unfortunately gets pushed to the back with the hustle and bustle of the day (see the three previously mentioned motivators) But yet it is the most important isn't it?
I haven't been feeling too motivated in some areas of my life lately. Running is one of them. I ran a few days ago, and it felt great, but I haven't since then. I can make the time, I just haven't. Another area is church. I go each Sunday, and I want to go each week. But once I get there I am quite distracted and find it hard to focus on what the pastor is saying. And we have a wonderful pastor too, so I know it isn't his messages!
Another area I am feeling short in is sharing the message of Jesus. I know some people, OK, many people, who don't know Jesus, or who aren't following Him in their adult years, and I don't know how to share with them. I don't push myself to do it either. It's much more comfortable sitting here and watching them and feeling bad for them, oh, and praying for them too. But maybe I'll just leave the sharing part up to my husband to do. Yeah, that's how I have been thinking.


  1. Maybe your job right now is to make sure your children grow up knowing Jesus and to help them grow in their relationships. When I was busy with family that is what I tried to focus on. To help make my children be better Christians and to learn how to witness through their actions. by the way you are doing a great job of this.
    Linda G

  2. I believe that God creates unions that put different spiritual skills sets together for the greater good. You sound like me - the quiet one when it comes to sharing. My husband is really outspoken for Christ! But I have more of the mercy/compassion thing going for me, so when we are serving together or just anywhere together, our gifts work in unison perfectly. So I wouldn't sweat it if you feel that your gift isn't being vocal about Jesus. Learn what your gifts are, then how to best use them.

    I don't speak from experience, but I can understand why it would be so hard to balance your schedule around your family and the responsibilities that come with that along with your spiritual life and involvement with your church. I have a friend going through a bit of a similar struggle.

    Remember, sometimes the most powerful witness is your life and the way you live it. That can often speak louder than any words!


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