Fun times

Our son turned 12 yesterday. (what?!how?! yikes!) and we had a great time finding him a gift. He is at the age where 'toys' are more sophisticated, sometimes. He did receive a slingshot and a harmonica from his grandparents - which are not high tech items. But he is at the age where his toys can be enjoyed by his parents too. So, I was quite excited when i saw a local store had remote control vehicles on sale for a fraction - a serious fraction - of the regular price. My husband took on the task of purchasing the item and we presented it to S. at his 'birthday' dinner right before he had to go to youth group. So he didn't get to play with until 9:30 last night. And no, G did not play with it before his son got to. We were good and didn't touch it at all.
But we all enjoyed figuring it out last night.


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