Random thoughts

I've been away. And business around the funny farm here have been crazy.
Here are just a few thoughts I wanted to take time to write down.
**Ballet has overtaken our life for the past 2 weeks. Our daughter has now had 3 of her four performances, and they were really good.
** I recently watched the first disc in a series titled "Made in America" which chronicles various products made in ... America. Highly recommend it for all ages.
** Our 5 year old came home from Awana ans told us, "We saw an Activity scene tonight." ( ie. Nativity scene)
** I am having a low-stress holiday this year. We decided to do presents for our kids differently this year - more on that after Christmas because I don't want to spoil the surprise!
** That being said, I told my husband I changed my mind about Christmas gifts this year. Usually we say to each other, "Don't buy me anything," and we end up getting each other some thing. This year, all I want is for those little jobs around the house to be done; that To-Do list to be worked on. I'll buy my own cowboy boots.
** We are beginning (again) to train Baby to sleep through the night. The first night went well. Not so sure the second night - tonight - will be as good.
** My sister in-law is getting baptized tomorrow!!


  1. She looked so poised and graceful dancing last night. So glad she loves her ballet classes. How long has she been taking lessons? Give her an extra special hug from us. So glad we got to see her dance last night.


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