Special K

The gauntlet has been thrown.
The challenge has been issued.
My niece has dared me to a half-marathon!
Me, the one who hasn't run more than 2 miles in over a year; who ran 10 miles over 20 years ago; who hasn't ever run 13 miles. She thinks I'm fat. I just know it. She states it so clearly in her challenge, and I'll show you -- she writes: "I just signed up for a half marathon on April 10th in Corvallis. Check out [the link] if you want to do it too!"
So there it is.  A blatant duel for all to see. She must have known I can pinch an inch. Do you recall the Special K cereal ad about pinching an inch? Last night I sat on the couch feeding the baby and realized that, yes indeed, I can pinch an inch. But then, if I stand up, oh it's not quite so bad. Oh and then if I reach my hands up in the air, I can't pinch an inch at all! So if I just go around with my hands up in the air all the time, I won't have a muffin top; I might be mistaken for a semaphore instructor but I won't be pinching any rolls around my waistline.
Now, to figure out if I can take on my punk niece.


  1. You can SO do this. If you need any help (virtually) let me know. I'm no expert, except in the mother of five kids training for a half marathon no one really thinks she could run area. Then, I'm all over it. I'm also a great cheerleader!

  2. oh you are too funny! when caleb nursed i sat there and pinched an inch too! but with your cutie little girl you're already on the move all the time. you look fantastic to me and i know you'll knock their socks off in the 5k. i am impressed! and just so ya know if i happen to have 5 kids who are as sweet as yours and look as good as you do, i'll be feeling pretty good about myself :)


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