A White Christmas

  The kids mentioned so many times this previous week how much they would like it to snow on Christmas. In our part of the world, this is a rare - very rare - happening. Just because it snowed the past two years, they think it will all the time. But I'm pretty sure not this year.
During the week my husband and son went up to Washington to work on some hardware that needed attention. And there was a lot of snow where they went. They had a great time throwing snowballs at each other. So great of a time, that they decided to bring some snow home for the girls! They loaded up the back of the pickup and brought it home last night.
So we had a mini-white Christmas today. Snowballs were whizzing. A mini snowman was built; the neighbors came out to play with us. It was a great way to start the Christmas celebrations!


  1. Merry Christmas, Jules! What a wonderful present from their father. It has never snowed in our town, but it doesn't stop the kids from hoping it will every time it gets cold.


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