Words of the Season

It's been awhile since I've had a word of the week to post. And so *Bonus* you get more than one, and they are words relating to the holiday.
1. "shephen" The 5 year old here sings with gusto. Loud and proud. But not always the "correct" words. In a song they learned in church most sing, "The shepherds came to worship" but she sings "the shephens came..." and so now we all sing that way.
2. Activity Scene; "Mom, we saw an Activity scene at church tonight!" - Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus must have been moving around a lot.
3. round of suplause - Grammy likes to ask for a round of applause. Little girl has her own take on it.
4. Jackpot vs plain pot. When we go out looking at Christmas lights, the houses with a ton of lights get the honor of being called a Jackpot. Any house with just a simple string along the gutter was called a Plain-pot.
5. "hervahim"; And finally, the beautiful carol, Silent Night. Most of us know the verse as, "Round yon virgin Mother and Child." Dear little girl sings, "Round yon hervahim Mother and Child." No, we don't know what a harvahim his. Don't even know if I am spelling it right. But isn't it fun to listen to kids and their own vocabulary?


  1. That's hilarious! My 5 year old cracks me up with his made-up song lyrics as well. Especially Christmas songs... and then his versions run round and round in my head...


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