Thoughts before the weekend

I had some alone time today! I did not have to take any girls with me I went to pick up the Boy from school. And I also got to go for a run, all on my own! Which gave me lots of quiet time to think. Here is what came of it:
1. I am trying to budget better. i have been keeping track of what we spend daily, and monthly. The one month (October, blech) that I did not keep daily track, we went over on our spending. Oops. It's a great motivator, for me, to try and beat the numbers each month.

2. Should we keep Netflix or not? I have been thinking about where we can cut costs. Yes, the looming bills for the remodel are spinning in my brain. And I am in the cutting mode. But ... I sure like watching certain shows I can only get through Netflix... unless I buy it from Amazon. Hmm....and then I could sell it ... I think I might be leaning towards Cut.

3. I am beginning to think of gifts for that holiday that comes after Thanksgiving. I won't say the word, because November belongs to the Turkey. As seen on this Facebook picture:

And I have 2 gifts already purchased. One of them was from my 'bucks' at Swagbucks. I have built up points slowly, mainly because I haven't done a lot of looking around on the sight, and get a couple a day with polls, toolbar options, and Internet research. But I had enough to get a certain gift card for a certain someone's December gift! Score! So, my plan is to really use the Swag site and get some more points to get another gift card. And then next year, I'll work on it all year long!. If you want to look into it yourself and aren't a Swagger yet, click on the sidebar on my blog.

4. I also take surveys online to earn points and money! Seriously, I have brought in a few checks $$ each year, just by taking some surveys in the comfort of my own home. I only 'belong' to two survey groups, but it's enough to get some more December goodies. If you want to know more about that, leave a comment or email, and I'll clue you in on it. I've gotten to try out new products for free from these places too. So cool!

5. I have a bunch of meat in the freezer. We bought a quarter side of beef in the spring, and I have used up all but one pound of ground beef. Now I have to figure out what to do with the steaks and roasts and other cuts of meat. Soup bones?! Seriously, recipes needed for filet mignon, sirloin, cube steak and soup bones. I figured out a good recipe for the stew meat; but I am probably going to have to go get some ground beef one of these days.

6. It's bazaar time - no not bizarre, that's all the time. It's time for me to hit the craft bazaars around town! I need to either find a little gift, or get some ideas for gifts. I am trying to keep the handmade/homemade theme alive and kicking for my plethora of gifts to give this season. I am pretty excited to go 'shopping' at the first craft bazaar this weekend.

7. And now for a teaser - an upcoming GIVEAWAY. Yeah, I think I'll jump on that bandwagon and try a giveaway. I hear they're all the rage. I'm not sure when .. maybe next week. Maybe the next time I get a few minutes of quiet time, alone.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Is the giveaway one of the kids? I know of a couple who would take the little Miss K!

    I used to belong to one of those survey groups when you had to fill in the circles on the old computer cards. I think they gave up on me, though, because I am in the wrong spending group.

  2. You should check out Craigs budget spreadsheets - he is all over that! To cut on costs we cut out netflix down to only online streaming without the DVDs in the mail. I wasn't too thrilled about that orignally but its grown on me and every penny counts.

    ~Mary B


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