The Farm in the Fall

 One day this past month the kids and I went out to collect a few last veggies before the frost came. As I was preparing some peppers for freezing, I found a fun little face staring back at me.
I was just cutting of the ends to get the seeds out and saw this little face smiling back at me!

Here is what the farm looks like in the fall; my oldest walked around with little sister and took some photos of the place. The beans had not been taken down yet, but most of the other veggies were already done.

A few squash and zucchini were left then.

We had gone out as a family one Saturday to get some veggies out of the cellar ('grocery shopping' of a different kind) and to bring some firewood home for the upcoming cold weather.
After loading both pickups, we drove down to the bottom land, where the garden was, and had a family picnic.

Here are the last of our tomatoes - I sliced a ton of Romas and then put them in the dehydrator. I'm not sure what I'll do with them ... add to soups I guess. But at least I won't feel as if they were wasted.

As much as I love the changing cooler weather and toasty fireplaces, I think summer is my favorite season - with all of the fresh food and warm air, and free time!
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