A few things

A few things have been going on around here.
Namely basketball.
Which I love.
The boy had another great game on Thursday night. All of the pictures I got were blurry, because the boy is just always in motion. Yeah, that's it. Not because I have lame camera. Right.
We also had a birthday celebration Friday night.
My sister's birthday was in the middle of the week, and well, because it is basketball season, we couldn't exactly celebrate it on her actual birthday. But cake is cake on any day!
Here's the good cake. The second one I made.
The first one ... well it sounded good in the recipe, but it flopped when I made it.
It stuck to the pan, and didn't look like it had mixed up right.
Although when the people clamored for a taste anyway, they said it tasted good. It just looked terrible.

The younger girl had a game this morning, and she is improving every week. The new skill I saw this week was keeping her hands up and ready. She is good at this on defense. Offense .. needs a little work.

She also lost a tooth this week. By accident. Her mouth connected with her sister's hip somehow. Blood everywhere. I am just SO thankful that it was her baby teeth that were knocked loose and not anything permanent!

I'm hoping for a relaxing Sunday before we plunge back into the school week on Monday.
And how was your weekend?
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