
I'm sneezing. I've taken a couple of naps. It's not even 9 and I am almost ready for my bed.
My sweet little minions have taken my words to heart and shared with me. However, sharing a yucky cold isn't quite what I had in mind when I taught them that lesson.
My husband has not gotten to that part yet. I'm hoping for his sake he doesn't. He has been working upstairs these past few days; the girls' room is almost ready! Yes! He and the kids painted the primer layer today. Next comes texture, and then we get to paint, and put in the flooring, and move the girls in! We are doing the happy dance!
This vacation has truly been a good relaxing time. We haven't been rushed do anything. We've had the cold run through the family, so there has been a lot of TV time, and relaxing. Last night we played games as a family to ring in the New Year (except the 2 year old who was in bed early). I'll have to say I've enjoyed this time with the kids and husband, more than any year past.
So my running plan has once again been thrown off track. I was going to go another mile today, and see if I was up for 2. But with this head cold, the dog was lucky to get a walk in the sunshine this morning!

around this time last year: Encouragement


  1. let's hope you get well quickly and Gordon escapes it so you can enjoy your next vacation!!

  2. I got hit before xmas and have just started back on the strength and run regiment once again... sign up might give me a mission. TS

    1. there's an awesome half-marathon at OSU :) in April you could sign up for!


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