Birthday Girl

This little curtain climber is now a teen.

She is taller than me, wears a larger shoe size and can't really fit into my long-sleeve shirts anymore. We celebrated her birthday twice this weekend (does that make her 26?!)
Pie on the hike/picnic on Saturday, and then cake on Sunday. Because some of us just don't think it is a birthday without cake.
 She was thoroughly excited about all of her presents, which always makes a parent feel good. Earrings are the big thing, since she just got pierced this summer.

And her sister knows her tastes - sour cream and onion no-share chips.
Even though she isn't quite as OSU-crazy as her brother is, she was pretty thrilled with her new boots.

I love that she still is young enough to enjoy her American Girl doll - she got a book about hair styling for her doll;
 Happy Birthday to our second-born, firstborn-girl who leads the way for her younger sisters.
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