More Pumpkins

We harvested some pumpkins this weekend.
I mean like 300 billion.
 On Thursday the girls and I went to the farm and filled the back of our pickup with pumpkins. Guess who did most (all) of the lifting? We sold some to the neighbors that day, and the next. Had to unload a few on Friday to get our 'real' groceries in. And then on Saturday I needed firewood.
So I unloaded every single one, set them up in our driveway and we all drove to the farm; where we loaded firewood. And then we went to see what was happening down in the garden. My brothers and my dad were down there ... harvesting pumpkins. So we stayed to help. Which meant lifting and moving more pumpkins. Heavy pumpkins.
But I made the kids unload the firewood once we were back at home.
And then we decided to go and try to sell some more pumpkins So that meant reloading the pumpkins back into the pickup. Guess who did that. When we got to the selling place, we unloaded just a few pumpkins so people driving by could see them. Which also meant reloading them when it was time to go.
We did this again on Sunday. Unload a few, reload those.
By Monday my shoulders and arms were quite sore. But I decided to get in my workout one more time. I unloaded every single pumpkin from the back of the pickup and put them in an unused section of the driveway. I don't think I want to reload them anytime soon.
And I don't think I'll be needing a gym membership anytime soon.


  1. remember straight back, squat and use your legs when lifting. then your legs and thigh muscles will hurt along with your arms and shoulders!!


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