Farm in Fall

Yesterday was a farm day
Which means we'll be catching up on our bookwork today.
It started out foggy and cold here.
But by the time we were done, the sunshine was beautiful.
The farm isn't as 'pretty' in the fall as it is in the spring and summer,
but there are still groceries to be picked.
This time we rode the trailer down, as my dad drove the tractor. 
Even with my 4-wheel drive truck, he would rather take the tractor down to the mudpit garden area.
So we picked our groceries, and loaded up our pumpkins
The kids have been selling the pumpkins to the neighbors
and anyone else who wants one.

We ended our farm day, with another outing to the Boy's cross country meet. He ran really well, placing tenth in his race - a 3k, among 60? or more boys.
And except for the one girl with a fat lip from meeting a swing, the other girl with sprained jammed fingers, a cut thumb and bruised knee, it was a beautiful day. 
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