
So, I am making a little change here on this blog of mine.
Because we have children who have similar initials, and because I don't want the whole world to know their names, we're going to be using nicknames ... "code names" sounds much cooler. I've already updated them over on the "characters" page, but let me tell you a little bit about them here.

 Our Boy is now Dash - yeah, he is more of a long distance runner, but ever since he was born he has been on the go, never wanting to be late to anything! When he first started going away to school he would dash to class in order to be the first one in.
Our second born is now Stripes - she wears her emotions on her sleeve, like stripes of character. It's pretty easy to know what she is thinking or feeling.
The next one is Dots. She has to have the i's dotted and the t's crossed, if you know what I mean.
Following her is sister Squiggles. She is one who likes to move. She and her youngest sister would go outside and ride bikes all day every day if they could.
Which brings us to the baby of the family, who isn't so much a baby anymore. My Little one, she keeps us laughing, and brings much entertainment into our family.
Me and the Mr., well we make occasional appearances here on this blog, but not enough to need unique code names.
But you can call me Guido if you want to.


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