Are you a List Maker?

I think I have a sickness.
On my counter there are lists. Lists of lists.
There's the good old grocery list, which sometimes grows into more lists. (It's on the refrigerator.)
The list for the Roth's store, the list for Safeway, the list for the Winco store, the list for Costco.
Then there's the To Do lists.
The All the Things in the House to Fix list, and the daily chores list.
The list for what I am making for dinner. (At least this is in calendar form and not list form).
The weekly list of what I need to accomplish.
The reminders of whom I need to call.
There's the list of schoolbooks I need to order, and the ones I have used in the past (to help me know what to order).
There's the list for camping.
The list of recipes I use regularly.
The list of what the baby should or should not eat (-- guess it's time to toss that one!!)
I'm sure there are more in there - I just can't finish THIS list without looking and making a list!

And then the lists morph into creatures on their own. Somehow the list about camping becomes the list of what I need to buy and changes into the list of where I need to go. And new items get added that have nothing to do whatsoever with camping! For example, I was making a list this week of all I need to get done before we leave for our annual camp out. And then next to each item I wrote in the day of the week it needed to be done; but that became so confusing for my brain. So I made a new list for each day, of what needed to be done on that particular day. It's a sickness, I tell ya.

My list-making self as been noticed by others as well - as I was writing this post, my dear friend who knows my uber-planning over-listing self, had a conversation with me about this very thing. Perhaps the cure is in her simple word, "Organization". But wait - that's what a list is for!


  1. I love lists too!! It makes me feel "on top" of the issue. My problem is that I spend tons of time making lists but sticking to the list is another story :)

  2. check.....check!!! i love lists too.


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