Cleaning Day

After 4 days I have had enough. The girls' room needs cleaning.
Up until now I have turned my eyes away, bit my tongue and said nothing about the fact that I cannot see the floor in their bedroom. I didn't even stoop down and put the sweaters on their hooks, or the Barbies in their box. I held back and let it pile up. Three girls sharing one bedroom can cause a lot of piling.
I did not post a photo because it would scare anyone who saw it, unless they were under the age of 10.
So this morning I told the 8 yr old to clean their room. I told the 6 yr old to help her sister clean the room. This seems to get through all that hair into their brains. Usually. The Princess however, needs a bit more direction. If I tell her to put the doll chairs into the box, that works. Or similar directions. We have clear plastic bins for all the toys, which helps with the cleaning and organizing process. But sometimes I don't have the patience to stand and direct. So I tell her, "Make it pretty," and she gets this!
If my mother saw this I know she would chuckle. My room when I was young was a prime site for an archaeological dig. I remind myself of this, knowing that now that I am a clean freak my daughters will probably become that way too. And I'll get to chuckle at their children.


  1. oh my........i am right there with you. today is the day that the rooms get cleaned and purged! i cannot stand stepping on one more lego! oh to be a kid again and know exactly where everything is in the mess on your floor!


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