This is my dad.
He collects tractors. Not collectible size tractors, but life size, as shown in the picture. I think he is getting one for every child of his. Or maybe every grandchild. (And that's a lot!)
My dad has farmin' in his blood. He now farms the land he was born and raised on. When I was a child, we had a teeny tiny farm, plus acreage down the road that was a forest - literally. Looking back, it was a great place to grow up. At the time I didn't see it. As a parent myself, I can see it.
My dad has worked hard all of his life, even after retiring, he never really did 'retire'. He keeps busy and I think this keeps him going. He taught us to work, every day except Sunday. And that work ethic is something I can't shake! Sleeping in - even on a Saturday morning - seems slothful!
I knew - really knew - my Farmer was The One I had to marry, when he came home to visit and got along really well with my dad. Their first conversation was about fava beans. It was meant to be!
Grandparenting has mellowed my dad; well, I think getting me out of the house was the first step, since grandkids had come along well before I was out of the house. My kids love him and love to ride on the tractor, or trailer behind the tractor. Which brings up another childhood memory. My next older brother and I used to ride behind the tractor my dad drove, while it was pulling what we called a "drag", something to get the clods out of the field. It was great fun - like a raft attached to a tractor, but with no padding and no sides to hold onto.
Thanks Dad for the fun memories, for the way you loved us and taught us to grow up, and for the way you love my kids.
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