Saturday morning

My eyes have been opened to even more differences in my upbringing versus my kids'.
This morning the Boy had a football game at 8:30 am, meaning he had to leave the house by 8. Now for most people this doesn't seem unreasonable. But if you home school and have an infant who does not sleep through the night, along with a 5 year old who often gets up in the middle of the night and needs help - well then leaving the house dressed and looking alive does seem unreasonable.
So only the Boy and my husband went out in the rain to play/watch football. My oldest daughter asked me(out of the blue), "Can we watch Saturday Morning Cartoons?" (yes, in all caps, because it is an Event, unheard of in our household.)
And then my 5 year old asks, "What are cartoons?"
So naturally I let them watch cartoons while they ate breakfast this morning.
And now she knows.


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