Who are you?!

It's that time of year - the kids get a little costume mania going on. 
Last night was the AWANA fall carnival at church - a night for the kids to dress up in fun costumes, play games, get candy.
This year my (10 year old today!) daughter went as a cowboy. Again. She is becoming more and more like me every day.
Miss M. went as a butterfly or a fairy. I wasn't sure which. I had fun with makeup though, and so did she.
We found some bunny ears while looking for the fairy wings, so naturally little M went as a bunny.
The boy did dress in football gear, but no photo ops were allowed. 
Instead we got one today. Notice anything different about his teeth?!
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  1. Happy birthday, Happy Harvest, Happy Halloween
    Cute and simple costumes--that's the way to go
    Linda G


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