A birthday

What a weekend! I spent Saturday canning peaches and plums. After I did a 3 mile PR. And attending a niece's birthday party. It was a long full day.
Sunday was our church picnic. For the past few years we have had one big church service at a local park, and then potluck picnic right afterwards. This year the weather was perfect! A little cloudy in the morning with bright sunny, but not too hot skies, in the afternoon. Our neighbors joined us this time - and we spent the day just hanging with them and talking. I love living in a neighborhood where we like our those we live next to. When G and I were once discussing who would be fun to go out with, as a couple. And our neighbors were the first that came to mind. 
So Monday dawned bright and early. I had to take the boy down to his school and get a class changed in his schedule. We waited in line for over an hour. Now I know kids in high school or bigger schools probably have much longer lines and waits .. but this being our first time ... I was sure glad I had not brought the 2 year old along with us!
We got our free donuts from Albertson's after the school business was taken care of. And then home, to the laundry and other stuff. My dear husband took the older kids out to the store, while little K and I stayed home and just played together. And then we had a party!
OK, not really a party. Just a nice celebration of my birthday with my parents, my in-laws and my kids and husband. The kids got me earrings, and ice cream and soaps. All very nice to get from my kids. My husband got the cake. Once a year I like to indulge in THE chocolate cake from Costco. It is almost heavenly. I bet when I get to heaven that cake will be there waiting for me. And I won't have to share with someone-else-who- likes-it-so-much-and-introduced-it-to-me. You know who you are!
We ended up with half of it left for tonight and tomorrow, and to share with our cool neighbors.
Later in the week my sweetie is treating my to a night away at the beach. Without kids.
What a great birthday week. Because my birthday lasts all week you know.
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