
A year ago we were dealing with a broken arm and cute little one year old (along with the other 3 kids of course) and also - we had no roof on the garage.
A lot has changed since then

Now we have an upstairs over the garage!!
The doors are in. The mini-heat pump has been installed and we have had cool air upstairs since Tuesday! The other day I couldn't find the girls. They had been playing upstairs because it was cooler up there than downstairs!
We moved the Boy into his room, starting Tuesday night. Little by little he has been moving more and more up there. The floor is not completely finished, the window casings are not in, and the electrical is not fully hooked up. But there is a floor and a door, so we moved him. What a difference it has made.

We took a break from all the work and I drove the kids to the beach. Funny thing, looking back at my photos, one year ago exactly I had taken the kids to the same beach!
It was very hot inland, and so that made for a pleasant day at the coast. There was some fog when we got there, but no wind!!! Alleluia! It felt great.
 I just say and watched the 5 of them run around and play, in the sand, in the water, moving rocks, digging, throwing rocks in to the ocean.
 The kids moved a number of rocks to make some sort of 'defense' against the tide.
We had a great time and then the cousins joined us for a while at a different beach.
We capped the day off with dinner at Mo's (yummy clam chowder! It's probably the only time I can get those kids to eat clam chowder) and then dessert from BK.

As I drove home I thought of all the fun things we could do the next time we come back.
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